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Strategic Design - A constant LISD endeavor to transform education 

We Do, We Innovate. 


Students are the reason of LISD. The transformation of the School District into a learning organization is crucial to prepare the students for XXI century challenges.


Teachers and staff are an essential asset that make the difference in how, when and what the students learn. Having an engaged, innovative and supportive staff that creates flexible learning systems is a crucial element of Strategic Design. 

Meet the team...

Creative, innovative, savvy and transformative. The Strategic Design Team is populated by highly capable individuals that collaborate along with teachers and staff to innovate and transform LISD.

Strategic Design




Involving the diverse community that surrounds LISD is a crucial premise of Strategic Design. LISD had the vision to incorporate the community on the planning of Strategic Design while the schools are striving to keep the concept of community integration constant.



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